AYURVEDA SHIRODHARA – uses and benefits
Do you feel tired and restless? Do you think that your daily stress can last you through depression? Then you should go for an Ayurveda Shirodhara. There are hundreds of Therapies in Ayurveda . But the most popular and all-in-one is Shirodhara. In ayurveda, the name Shirodhara comes from the classic Sanskrit word Shiro meaning forehead and Dhara means flow. Shirodhara includes gently pouring oil over the forehead of a person in order to treat the elements associated with the nervous system. Shirodhara in Ayurveda is a 75 minutes procedure with begins with 30 minutes of an initial full body massage, otherwise called as Abhiyangham and 30 minutes of Dhara. WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF SHIRODHARA? The liquid used on the conditions for which it is advised accordingly medicated oils, milk, buttermilk, etc can be used for Shirodhara. 1. Kashaya Dhara If shirodhara uses herbal extracts It’s termed as Kashayadhara, 2. Dugadha Dhara (Ksheerdhara) If you use milk for shirodhara its called ks...